The Importance Of Post Development Maintenance

April 22, 2022

Reading Time: 1.9 Minutes



Digital development is both fun and exciting and can be complex and challenging to understand if you’re a newbie. Most small businesses and clients often look for development options that get straight to the point for as little as possible because the pricing is their major deciding factor. Oftentimes, what is never accounted for is the post-development maintenance aspect of the project. After the product is completed and delivered, it is going to have to be maintained in some form to keep up with patches, updates, and upgrades. Technology is constantly changing and oftentimes with those changes, your digital product needs to be able to match the new changes to avoid things like crashes, errors, or hacking vulnerabilities.

Warranties Included

Most developers and agencies ensure their work through a fixed warranty period. This period is used to back the deliverables and the work in the event that something goes awry. Covered items include post-development bug fixing, error reversals, and defects. These conditions and time periods can vary depending on the developer and what they outline in their agreement.

Post Development Maintenance

After a digital product is completed and taken live, the next phase of development begins which is maintenance. Maintenance is needed because as technology continues to change and improve, there are changes, amendments, and updates that are going to need to be made to keep up with the changing technology. Just think of the digital product like a car, you don’t purchase a car to just drive it and never have it serviced along the way. Omitting this aspect of the development process can prove costlier in the long run as an increasing amount of manhours may need to be poured into debugging and resolving a problem that may not have otherwise been so problematic if maintained properly.

Main Takeaways

  • All in all, maintenance is an important piece of the development process that often gets overlooked because it isn’t accounted for and placed within the development plan.
  • Planning for post-development maintenance can provide long-term cost-savings.

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